Tomorrow , my dears friends i go to Moscow . For business but for a vacation as well.I love mix all together . My lovely Viky coms to pick me up at the airport and she will be my mentor . Therefore it will be easier for me understand Russian mentality and she will help me every step . I have to meet importers , distributors , and of course , also wine bars , shops , restaurants trying to not just sell wines but , let them understand more and more again about our ” world of wine “. Actually my idea is to create a new wine market focused even on the wine knowledge , supporting the importers and distributors create events like presentation of new bottles , wine training ( speaking about the vine culture , winemaking , the different between the products , know-how of the storage and the ” up-selling ” , food pairing ) , wine dinner etc . All things i have already done . Well , in 5 hours i have to take the flight , i have a light knee injury ( Shit ) and a small problem with my beard . I will be out for some time , few days , from my blog but i will try to let you know how is going on up there . Viky will take care of me , she have already scheduled some trips and meeting with her friends and i am sure we will have fun ! Stay tuned . I go to update , not to upgrade yet , the Russian wine knowledge ( hopefully ) . Maybe i will take place in Moscow , who knows ?. Good night .
(LAST HARVEST OF GLERA ( prosecco wine ) i wanna put this pic to let you know that i work from the beginning and i don’t speak because i wanna let you know that i know , but because my hands are dirty ) Ciao Giuseppe